About me
Hi everyone, I'm Anabel Avila, the creator of I got a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management by the University of Barcelona in 2009.
Announced as the 2010 I traveled to Australia where I lived for almost 3 years. In addition to learning English, I got certified as a Body Pump instructor followed by CXWORX by Les Mills Asia Pacific. Despite the language barrier, I managed to build a strong relation with the class members. When I decided it was time to return home, many of them told me how much they enjoyed my classes and helped them grow a passion for the sport.
Very excited to leave with the gratifying feeling of having done a good job, I returned to Barcelona in 2013. After a failed attempt to rejoin the world of work in the field of administration, I decided to bet on what I really like. To continue helping others to live a life with more exercise and healthier food.
Then I got qualified as a Personal trainer level 2 (E.H.F.A. level 4) and Advanced sports nutritionist.

At the same time I started my own website, initially thinking of reaching future clients for personal training, without being able to imagine that it would reach this volume.
The content has evolved as I have. From more general advice on training and nutrition, to focusing more on CrossFit and the Paleo Diet.
In 2015 I had the opportunity to participate in a sports reality show (in English) for an international production company called Spartan X. It was filmed in a castle in Hungary where 12 participants had to demonstrate their skills in different tests. It was a very hard experience and at the same time spectacular, I was the last woman being eliminated, an achievement of which I am very proud.
Current jobs
The purpose of this blog is to transmit the passion with which I live this lifestyle that revolves around CrossFit and Paleo with the intention of encouraging others to follow it too. To live better, healthier and happier. And thanks to that effort, this website has now become the functional training and CrossFit News blog of reference for Spanish-speaking people. Despite not being an official media of the CrossFit ยฎ brand, is considered a platform to keep updated of everything that happens in this sport, and it is thanks to the coverage we have given this sport for all these years.
Along with the website, I have been developing my brand in social media, and I am known as @anabelpump . The social network that has had the most growth in recent years is our Youtube channel . We experienced a big change when we covered the CrossFit Games in 2017. Till now, nobody did something like that in Spanish.
One of the latest achievements has been the self-publication of two books: I am Paleo and I am Paleo Recipeswith which I have been able to bring to the general population everything they need to know to eat well, clearing the doubts that nutrition awakens. Although it was not simply a theoretical approach, but it includes a practical vision, with Recetas Yo soy Paleo I complete the work and complete the saga. I am proud of the good reception it has had among the audience and I am still eager to continue contributing value to society.
I am a regular contributor to Nike Spain, Diario AsReebok, Velites Sport, Fitness Power Food and Prozis.
I hope you enjoy the content and I hope to see you here often. If you need to contact me you can do it through this page.