Quarterfinals 2023

Third edition of the Quarterfinals in the history of CrossFit.

Once the Open is concluded and the leaderboard is finalized, CrossFit will send out invitations to the Quarterfinals.

If an athlete declines his or her invitation, CrossFit has no intention of filling that spot with the next athlete on the list.

Where can they be seen?

The Quarterfinals are just an extension of the Open with the athletes who have qualified. The mechanism is the same and they have to complete the WODs on their own, but there is no live event.

Unless athletes by their own means decide to share their WODs, there is no other way to view these qualifiers.

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Start date: March 16
Registration: March 13
Price: $50
Leaderboard: See
Leaderboard end date: March 27
Athletes participating10% of each region
Floor plans: See

Athletes will have 3 24-hour windows to perform the events and upload their scores.

  • The first window will be from: Thursday, March 16 at 12 p.m. PT until Friday, March 17 at 12 p.m. PT.
  • The second window will be from: Friday, March 17 at 12 p.m. PT until Saturday, March 18 at 12 p.m. PT.
  • The final window will be from: Saturday, March 18 at 12 p.m. PT until Sunday, March 19 at 12 p.m. PT.

  • Scores are reset.
  • Athletes shall be judged by an official judge.
  • If you intend to advance to the Semifinals, all scores must be accompanied by a link to the video.
  • CrossFit will announce when the video review process is complete.


To be announced Thursday at 12:00 pm PT

9 front squats, weight 1 (heaviest)
9 handstand walks, 25 feet
15 front squats, weight 2
15 muscle-ups
21 front squats, weight 3 (lightest)
21 chest-to-wall handstand push-ups
👩🏻 155, 125, 95 lb
👨🏻 225, 185, 135 lb
Time cap: 15 minutes

12-minute AMRAP:
8 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
8 overhead walking-lunge steps, arm 1
8 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
8 overhead walking-lunge steps, arm 2
40 crossovers
👩🏻 50 lb
👨🏻 70 lb

5 rounds for time:
5 burpee box jump-overs
1 clean and jerk
*Add 1 clean and jerk after each round.
👩🏻 185-lb clean and jerks, 24-in box
👨🏻 275-lb clean and jerks, 30-in box
Time cap: 10 minutes

20-minute AMRAP:
1,000-meter row
50 GHD sit-ups
500-meter row
25 V-ups

21 deadlifts, weight 1 (lightest)
21 chest-to-bar pull-ups
15 deadlifts, weight 2
15 bar muscle-ups
9 deadlifts, weight 3 (heaviest)
9 rope climbs, 15 ft
👩🏻 155, 185, 205 lb
👨🏻 225, 275, 315 lb
Time cap: 15 minutes


  • North America East
    1. Dallin Pepper (42) | Mallory O'Brien (16)
    2. Jeffrey Adler (45) | Brooke Wells (45)
    3. Samuel Cournoyer (55) | Emma Cary (47)
    4. Noah Ohlsen (69) | Anikha Greer (57)
    5. Spencer Panchik (104) | Emma Lawson (58)
  • North America West
    1. Justin Medeiros (9) | Arielle Loewen (28)
    2. Patrick Vellner (15) | Alex Gazan (41)
    3. Cole Greashaber (51) | Rebecca Fuselier (72)
    4. Nick Mathew (62) | Kelly Baker (80)
    5. Mitchel Stevenson (64) | Emily Rolfe (88)
  • Europe
    1. Fabian Beneito (76) | Laura Horvath (30)
    2. Bjorgvin Karl Gudmundsson (89) | Gabriela Migala (46)
    3. Victor Hoffer (91) | Emma Tall (58)
    4. Lazar Djukic (100) | Manon Angonese (62)
    5. Harry Lightfoot (142) | Thuridur Helgadottir (69)
  • Oceania
    1. Ricky Garard (28) | Katelin Van Zyl (26)
    2. Jay Crouch (36) | Jamie Simmonds (32)
    3. William Kearney (112) | Briony Challis (53)
    4. Jake Douglas (120) | Ellie Turner (56)
    5. John Champion (129) | Georgia Pryor (68)
  • Asia
    1. Morteza Sedaghat (58) | Dawon Jung (13)
    2. Andrei Fedotov (74) | Seher Kaya (20)
    3. Eren Kim (74) | Kamlia Takeyeva (22)
    4. Ruslan Miftakhov (85) | Shahad Budebs (46)
    5. Arthur Semenov (88) | Minjeong Kim (59)
  • South America
    1. Guilherme Malheiros (37) | Victoria Campos (29)
    2. Benjamin Gutierrez (70) | Sasha Nievas (31)
    3. Augustin Richelme (115) | Carolina Martinez (45)
    4. Gustavo Errico (116) | Amanda Fusuma (53)
    5. Vitor Caetano (123) | Luiza Marques (55)
  • Africa
    1. Kealan Henry (37) | Christina Livaditakis (30)
    2. Darren Zurnamer (39) | Mariska Smit (42)
    3. Michael Van Tonder (51) | Gemma Rader (43)
    4. Callum Deeble (51) | Tanha Bouffe (55)
    5. Daniel Griesel (65) | Georgia Ayres (60)

How many individual athletes qualify for the Semifinals?

North America East: Top 60 men and women
North America West: Top 60 men and women
Europe: Top 60 men and women
Oceania: Top 30 men and women
Asia: Top 30 men and women
South America: Top 30 men and women
Africa: Top 30 men and women

Team Quarterfinals

Start date: March 29
Registration: 20 March
Leaderboard end date: April 10
Price: $100
Participating teams: 25% of each region
Floor plans: See
Leaderboard: See


15-minute AMRAP: 

10 synchro front squats (all 4 athletes) 
3 handstand walks each (25 feet, alternating reps, MM/FF pairs) 

👩🏻 125 lb
👨🏻 185 lb

Starting at 0:00, every 3 minutes for 18 minutes, alternating between MM and FF pairs: 

Row 400 meters (athletes on their own rower) 
10 synchro shoulder-to-overheads 
Max rope climbs in time remaining (1 rope, 1 athlete working at a time) 

👩🏻 125 lb 
👨🏻 185 lb


For time, 1 athlete at a time, F/M/F/F/M: 

10 bar muscle-ups 
20 deadlifts 
30 GHD sit-ups 
20 deadlifts 
10 bar muscle-ups 

👩🏻185 lb 
👨🏻275 lb 

Time cap: 25 minutes 


As soon as the second male athlete completes his last muscle-up, or the time cap of Test 3 is reached, the team will have 5 minutes to complete as many reps as possible of: 

Clean and jerks 

👩🏻185 lb 
👨🏻275 lb 

7-minute AMRAP (M/F), followed by 7-minute AMRAP (M/F): 

1,2,3,4, etc., shuttle runs 
2,4,6,8, etc., synchro dumbbell thrusters 

👩🏻35-lb dumbbells 
👨🏻50-lb dumbbells

Teams must select the final members for the remainder of the season during the registration process.

  • A maximum of 6 athletes
    • 3 men
    • 3 women
  • A minimum of 4 athletes
    • 2 men
    • 2 women

The only requirement is that the athletes do the WODs together.

Individual or age-group division athletes may be members of the team. An individual athlete who is part of the team may also have participated in the individual Quarterfinal.

In the middle of the Quarterfinals, none of the 4 members may be substituted due to injury or any other reason.

Unlike individual athletes, in teams there will be 2 windows:

  • The first window will be from: Wednesday, March 29 at 12 p.m. PT until Thursday, March 30 at 12 p.m. P T.
  • The second window will be from: Thursday March 30 at 12 p.m. PT until Friday, March 31 at 12 p.m. P T.
  • Teams must have a judge who has passed the current year's course.
  • Teams must provide a video of each WOD.

How many teams advance to the Semifinals?

North America East: Top 40 teams
North America West: Top 40 teams
Europe: Top 40 teams
Oceania: Top 20 teams
Asia: Top 20 teams
South America: Top 20 teams
Africa: Top 20 teams

Age Group

Dates: March 31 - April 2
Registration: March 20
Leaderboard end date: April 14
Price: $50
Floor plans: See

The duration has been reduced to only 2 days.

Adrian Bozman, the current competition director, confirmed this change at the recent press conference and attributed it to the feedback they had received from competitors. Many athletes were having trouble juggling their work schedule with this event.

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